Date(s) - 03/05/2018
9:00 am - 3:30 pm
World Education
The three-part professional development (PD) offering focuses on fluency, one of the four essential components of evidence-based reading instruction (EBRI).
- Part 1 (face-to-face, March 5, snow date March 6):
- Hear about and experience why fluency is so essential to reading success for adult learners;
- Develop a solid, foundational understanding of how to provide this to students; and
- Leave with concrete next steps.
- Part 2 and 3 (online interactive webinars, 1.5 hours each, dates TBD):
- Learn further concrete steps, and
- Discuss the strategies and practices you have implemented, sharing successes, challenges, and lingering questions with your colleagues in the course.
Upon full completion of all three parts (required in order to earn PD hours), you will be able to:
- Define reading fluency and explain why a lack of it cripples comprehension
- Access a variety of instructional strategies and materials that are engaging and relevant to learners’ needs
- Plan to implement direct and explicit instruction, using the most relevant EBRI techniques for strengthening the reading fluency of beginner-level students
- Discuss strategies to continually gauge the effectiveness of your instruction by formatively assessing and monitoring your student’s progress