Presenter: Lisa M. Brooks, Commonwealth Learning Center
• Friday, January 26, 2018
• 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
• First Literacy 160 Boylston St., second floor
• Boston, MA 02116
This workshop will explore strategies for ESOL teachers to help students improve their pronunciation, decoding, and spelling of regular pattern English words. Participants will learn to: identify the six syllable types in English; differentiate voiced from unvoiced consonant sounds; discriminate all vowel sounds in English by tongue placement in the mouth, and explore classroom activities to help students improve pronunciation.
Lisa Brooks is the Director of the Professional Training Institute at Commonwealth Learning Center, a non-profit agency that serves students and public school teachers. She holds a Master’s degree in special education with licensure in reading, special education K-12, ESL, and adult education. Currently, she is a doctoral candidate in Columbia University’s department of Adult Learning and Leadership.
To register online please go to http://firstliteracy.org/resources/for-educators/. In the red box on the right, select the workshop you want.
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